Liebster Award

Liebster Award3

Thank You for the Nomination:

I’d like to sincerely thank Mom and Me Publishing for nominating my blog. Please take a moment to check out their amazing blog: Mom and Me Publishing. This mom and daughter duo are a lively, creative, and funny writing team that offer beautiful insight. 

The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2016

  • Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you. They will thank you for it and those who you nominate will also help you out as well.

  • Display the award on your blog – by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a widget.

  • Write a 150-300 word post about your favorite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog, provide links.

  • Provide 10 random facts about yourself (optional).

  • Nominate 5-11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 200 followers (*You can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets readers know this information.)

  • List these rules in your post.

  • Answer the 11 questions you were asked by the blogger who nominated you.

  • Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer when they post their nomination. 

  • Inform the people/blogs that you nominated them for a Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post.

A Blog I Like Reading: 

Hill Top Heaven is a creative and imaginative blog written by Cathy Holdsworth. Cathy has a zest for life which is powerfully portrayed in her blog posts. She uses her blog to explore her passion for life, travel, food, decorating, and writing. I happened to stumble upon Hill Top Heaven by chance, but it immediately captured my attention. Cathy’s perspective on life and her travels continue to draw me in.

While I enjoy Cathy’s travel adventures, I think my favorite post in her blog is ‘The Painting – A Short Story.’ This short story transported me into the marriage of Frank and his wife. This story brought me to the verge of tears. Year after year, this wife endured endless abuse at the hands of her husband. Using her imagination, she escaped by jumping into a Monet landscape. In this landscape she was everything she’d ever hoped to be – young, beautiful, and loved. One day, her dream came true. She finally escaped her husband, and found her hard earned happiness.

10 Random Facts About Myself:

  1. I’m a traveler who explores the United States in my 34 ft RV, I have affectionately nicknamed The Beast.

  2. I’m a mom who homeschool/roadschools.

  3. I’m short – only five foot.

  4. I love coffee, and I tend to be cranky without my morning cup.

  5. I’m afraid of heights, but I love to fly.

  6. Like most bloggers and writers, I love to read.

  7. I’ve never milked a cow, but eventually I will.

  8. I hate bananas.

  9. I absolutely adore New York City.

  10. I love listening to loud music while driving.

 I Nominate the Following Blogs:

Answers to the 11 Questions I was Asked:

  1. What is your favorite genre to read? Why?
    • My favorite books are autobiographies which have been defined as authentic texts. I love reading about other people’s lives and experiences.
  2. Coffee, Tea, or neither?
    • Coffee – Definitely coffee.
  3. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
    • I prefer dogs. I have a Beagle and a Scottish Terrier.
  4. What’s one of the most moving experiences you’ve had?
    • The most moving experience I’ve had is giving birth.
  5. What makes you whole-heartedly happy?
    • Traveling – I love traveling.
  6. What book turned you into a “reader”? Or- What book has had the most impact on you?
    • I can’t name a specific book, but there are two authors that strongly impacted my love for reading: Dorothy Allison and Maya Angelou.
  7. What is your day like?
    • My average day depends on whether or not we are traveling. On travel days – I wake early, rush to get ready, and hit the road. On non-travel days – I sleep late, wake, explore my surroundings, and write.
  8. Briefly, describe yourself.
    • Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Mom. Daughter. Sister. Aunt. Reader. Amateur Photographer.
  9. Why did you create your blog?
    • I was inspired by Casey Neistat, a YouTube Blogger. He started his vlog to constantly be creating and honing his craft. I loved this concept, and knew my writing would benefit from the same.
  10. Do you have a suggestion for us fellow bloggers on how to promote our page?
    • My only advice would be to read other blogs and interact with other bloggers. I also use social media to promote my page.
  11. Which tag do you search the most?
    • Travel and Life – are my two favorite tags.

Questions to Answer:

    1. What is your favorite place in the world?

    2. Why did you begin blogging?

    3. What is the worst nightmare?

    4. What is your overall strategy with your blog?

    5. What is your best memory?

    6. What was the scariest moment you’ve ever experienced.

    7. What is your favorite food?

    8. Who inspires you?

    9. What do you do when you aren’t working on your blog? 

    10. What is your favorite quote?

    11. Where do you find inspiration for your blog?